#34B Classic Red 10" Tricycle Assembly and Product Information

Follow the steps below to assemble your Classic Red 10" Tricycle:

     Tools Needed: Hammer, Screwdriver, Wrench or Pliers

     Compatible Models: #34B/34G

Download a PDF copy of your instruction manual below:

#34B 34G-3_14040__2014.pdf

Questions? Contact Customer Service for fast & friendly help. 



Are you looking to remove the rear hub caps? Please see below for a video tutorial, the process will be the same for all models.



Are you experiencing a wiggle on your rear wheels? Please ensure that the hub caps are fully secure, as seen below:



Replacement Parts:

Model 34B Classic Red Tricycle Parts - Trike & Bike Parts - Shop Parts (radioflyer.com)

Looking for a replacement that is not on our parts website? Please Contact Customer Service


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