#800X Glide & Go Red Balance Bike Assembly & Product Information

Follow the steps below to assemble your Glide & Go Red Balance Bike:

     Questions? Contact Customer Service for fast & friendly help. 

     Tools Needed: Wrench

     Compatible Models: #800X, 800P, 802A




1. We typically recommend tightening the clamp until you see 2-3 threads poking through the other side. It should be secure enough that pulling up on the handlebars does not cause it to wiggle. Please see the screenshot below for tightening the handlebar clamp.


2. We typically recommend tightening the seat clamp until you see 2-3 threads poking through the other side. Please see the screenshot below for tightening the seat clamp.

Does your new product have a missing or damage part? Submit a request for a replacement part under warranty here.

Does your older product need a refresh? Shop replacement parts here.


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