#421 Red Rider Trike Assembly & Product Information

Follow the steps below to assemble your Red Rider Trike:

     Questions? Contact Customer Service for fast & friendly help. 

     Tools Needed: Phillips head screwdriver, Hammer, Adjustable wrench.

     Compatible Models: #421Z/421PZ



 1. Step 7: Make sure a hammer is used to tap the rear wheels fully into the frame. Also, ensure the holes on the main and rear frames are aligned before inserting the screw. If you can see through to the other side, the two parts are successfully aligned.


2. Step 11: Ensure the connector pieces on the crank snap into the wheel to fully secure (see photo)


3. Make sure the notch on the front wheel assembly is turned the correct way, to ensure the wheel is not backward (see photo).



Hub Cap Removal: To remove the hub caps, please follow the instructions shown in the video. The video shows a wagon; however, the process will be consistent with other products, as well.

Does your new product have a missing or damaged part? Submit a request for a replacement part under warranty here.

Does your older product need a refresh? Shop replacement parts here 


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